Sundhage Player - Help

How to...

First of all you'll need a webspace on the internet where you can put all your mp3s and graphics. It is NOT possible to upload files here; all I provide is the player itself and a couple of possibilities to change the way it will appear on your website.

When your mp3's, background picture and foreground pictures are available on the web you can start configuring the apperance of your player.

Background Image (url) - don't forget "http://"
Enter a complete url path to the image ( Supports jpg, png and swf. The player will not work if this one isn't declared (the player's size is based on the width and height on this picture).

Foreground Image (url) - don't forget "http://"
This picture will appear in front of everything else and its height will be scaled to the same height as the background image. It will also be aligned to the right. If you don't want a foreground image, just leave that field empty.

Background Color, Song text color and so on.. Click the colored squares to change.

Fade bar: If enabled, the bar that appears when songs are hoovered will fade out when "leaving" a song.

Fade Infobox: The tooltiptext-like infosquare that appears when keeping the pointer over a song for a second will (if enabled) fade in and out.

Autoplay random song at start: Describes itself.

Play next song: When a song is finished the player will autoplay next song in list.

Mp3s, titles and infotext.

Url: Full path to song. (don't forget http://)
Title: Title of song.
Info: Click to edit info about the song. (Will appear in the scroller AND when "mouse-overed")

SAVE - Save settings

PREVIEW - Shows the player and generates the proper HTML-code (that you can embed whereever you like) for your player.

VIEW STATS - Some simple statistics.


Music won't stop when leaving preview mode.

Fixed Bugs

Cache bug fixed.
That too-large-backround-pic annoying thing in preview mode. From now max height is 500px.

Report bugs: bugs(monkeytail)